I confess to know nothing of Jewish Kosher dietary laws nor do I care to learn. I like cheese on my burgers, lobster, oysters, clams, mussels, bacon, pork chops and porchetta (recipe coming soon) too much to read or learn about the plight of the people who choose not to have them for whatever reason. Nevertheless, Kosher foods and beers are not to be overlooked. Companies that produce Kosher foods are no doubt at a disadvantage but that makes their accomplishments all the better; like the one girl a semester your fat friend sleeps with.
He’Brew, a Kosher derivative of Shmatlz Brewing Company born in San Francisco and based in New York, makes Kosher beers including a Jewbelation Bar Mitzvah beer commemorating their 13th anniversary with 13 different malts, 13 different hops and an alcohol content of, you guessed it, 13% abv. But we’ll save that for a more momentous occasion. The Chosen Beer’s Origin Pomegranate Ale struck my fancy at a recent shopping trip. Based on Torah passages touting the pomegranate as a symbol of origin and righteousness, Origin Pomegranate Ale is an Imperial Amber Ale brewed with pomegranate juice for a luscious, decadent beer.
The color is deep amber and obviously pomegranate. The beer’s aroma is strongly hopped like most imperial ales and the pomegranate is subtle like the fruit’s flavor. The taste of pomegranate presents itself as a slight sweetness and tang in the beer but the most distinct pomegranate aspect of the beer is in the body. Silky and rich, pomegranate juice lends heaviness and viscosity to the beer. Though the actual fruit juice is cloudy, this beer is well filtered and left the murkiness behind for a crystal ruby beer.
Even though those Hebrews may not eat the same swine and shellfish that I do, they sure know how to bring the true characteristic out of a fruit like a pomegranate and apply it well to beer. L’Chaim!
Hey Evan. This is Zak Davis from Shmaltz Brewing Company. Thanks so much for picking up and writing about your bottle of Origin. I'm glad that even the porchetta-eaters can appreciate it. As a culinarian, keep your eyes open for some of our other creations. They are great for cooking with, or using in pairings. You might really enjoy Rejewvenator, which is our doppelbock/dubbel hybrid brewed with dates. L'Chaim my friend!